Looking back at 2013, it is hard not to reflect on the first years of the Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant and the tremendous amount of work it took to build the solid foundation on which TMLP stands more than 116 years later.
It's a foundation that has seen its share of trials and tribulations, cracks and stress fractures, as well as triumphs and successes since 1897. It's on this foundation that TMLP has continually built upon -- creating additions, making changes, adding services and shoring up the infrastructure to meet, and exceed, the needs of its customers.
The past year was a year of many accomplishments for TMLP. It was a year in which TMLP revitalized the Cleary Flood Station by upgrading and modernizing Unit 9 to make it more efficient and cleaner burning, a project that was the culmination of several years of planning. It was a year in which TMLP played a major role in connecting and enhancing the Internet-based communications infrastructure and service to Southeastern Massachusetts as part of the Oshean (Ocean State Higher Education Economic Development and Administrative Network) Project, and a year in which nine large industrial customers saw significant savings through their participation in the interruptible rate (Rate 31i) program that diverts load during peak operating hours.
It was a year in which TMLP mirrored its predecessors and held fast to its century-old commitment to its customers by installing the underground electric system in the expanded Myles Standish Industrial Park, a key component from which industry and business within the business community can thrive well into the future.
TMLP also enhanced its renewable and clean energy portfolio in 2013 with the addition of a 3 megawatt solar farm, and 10 residential solar net metering agreements that accounted for a total connected load of 69.16 kW of electricity. The changing and increasingly challenging face of the region's energy supply is reflected in TMLP's power purchases in recent years. TMLP is well poised to meet these challenges while keeping rates competitive.
TMLP has been a staple in the Taunton area for the past Century, and will continue to not only be a pillar in the community, but a solid base for our customers, and TMLP, to grow.
TMLP was founded with a commitment to serving its customers one step at a time, one circuit at a time, one fiber at a time, and one customer at a time.