Customer Service
Customer service means more than handling payments, answering inquiries and setting up electric or Internet service for our customers. It means being responsive to the needs of the more than 36,000 customers who rely on TMLP for their electricity and the thousands who have selected TMLP as their Internet provider. Everyone at TMLP provides customer service – from the line crews, to the MIS staff, to Environmental services.
That's because we're not only customer-oriented and customer-owned, many of the TMLP staff are customers! Of the 159 TMLP employees, 105 reside in one of the towns we service...and of those 105 customers, 85 reside in Taunton.
To be fiscally responsible and receptive to the needs of its customers, TMLP Accounting staff worked alongside Energy Supply & Planning to complete the restructuring of rates in early 2011, which implementing ratcheted rates, block rates and a new commercial interruptible rate.
As part of TMLP's ongoing Strategic Planning Initiatives, systems and plans were reviewed throughout the year, with an eye to the future. As a result of this focus on the future, TMLP saw a reduction in operating expenses of 4%.
Accounting also worked with Taunton's City Treasurer to establish bonding requirements for capital improvement projects, and established a reserve to fund a major overhaul of Unit #9.
Customer Care:
The members of the Customer Care staff assist customers with all their needs, from establishing service, providing electronic billing and payment options, offering energy efficiency options, or answering questions about electrical service. TMLP provides world class service at the local level.
In 2011, TMLP's dedication to the environment and energy conservation was second to none:
- TMLP reimbursed Appliance Rebate program reimbursed $78,075 to 1,093 customers. Since the start of the program in 2002, TMLP has provided over $3.5 million in Energy Star appliance rebates.
- In renewable energy sources, TMLP provided over $55,000 in rebates for the installation of 27kW of residential solar array panels.
- Over 148 residential customers took advantage of the comprehensive energy audit services offered by TMLP to improve their home's efficiency.
Public Communications:
TMLP is a community organization, with roots in the communities it serves. During 2011, TMLP employees spearheaded and participated in various events to raise money for local and national causes, served on various boards, and volunteered their time and talents community and civic organizations. TMLP placed 12 banners for these organizations during the year.
TMLP employees raised funds for the following organizations in 2011:
- Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America Boston Chapter - $1,500.00 raised through a cookout and raffle.
- Operation Christmas - $ 9,753.00 raised through dress down days, raffle and auction.
- St Vincent DePaul TMLP Energy Fund - $ 2,703.00 raised through dress down days.
- United Way - $15,052 raised through weekly and one-time donations.
- Jolly Jaunt - $1595 raised for the Special Olympics
- Taunton Animal Shelter
TMLP employees proudly participate in a variety of community activities including mentoring, Junior Achievement, Read Across America, in addition to serving on the Board of Directors for many various organizations. They also support local youth sports teams, cultural activities and town activities each year.
The Central Purchasing Department serves customers behind the scenes by pursuing and negotiating prices for products and services needed by the utility. Utilizing best business practices, Purchasing worked with all TMLP departments to secure competitive bids for major projects. In May 2011, the Purchasing Department was successful in gaining the approval of TMLP Commissioners to raise the corporate threshold for competitive bidding of non-sealed bid projects $20K and over to $25K to agree with Massachusetts General Law's current bid threshold for Sealed Bids.