Letter From The Commissioners
Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant customers know that when they turn on the light switch or power up their computer, the lights will go on and they will have access to the Internet and email.
They also know that when the power does go out, they'll be kept in the loop by TMLP staff and will be the beneficiary of hard work, tireless effort, and determination until power is restored to the last customer. As a public power utility and Internet service provider, TMLP is indeed fortunate to have employees who go the extra mile to help all customers in the darkest hours and in less-than-ideal circumstances.
And if that means being on-call and at the ready, day or night, when a storm is predicted to be heading our way, then that's what they'll do. And that's exactly what happened on Saturday night, August 27th when then-Hurricane Irene was barreling up the coast toward New England and all essential staff were called in at midnight to tackle the impeding storm and its aftermath. Luckily when it did reach us, it had been downgraded to a Tropical Storm, but still packed enough winds and rain to cause damage throughout Southeast Massachusetts, including the TMLP service area.
Thanks to advance preparations and planning, combined with the dedication of all TMLP staff, power was restored to most within hours and to all within a day or two. And when the line crews completed their work in the TMLP service area, they moved on to be a part of the mutual aid system, assisting municipal lighting plants and investor-owned utilities in the surrounding communities.
But regardless of whether it's a stormy or sunny day, TMLP customers can rest assured that customer service and reliable power are the top priorities for all staff.
We salute the entire TMLP staff for their dedication, commitment and strategic planning with an eye to the future and a commitment to the present.