The true measurement of sustainability includes three areas: environmental, social and financial. The general goal of this evaluation or measurement is to meet the needs of the present world (be it business, personal or global) without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. So, it stands to reason that the objective of sustainability is keep harmony and balance in the systems that are in constant interaction. It is an ideal toward which to strive and against which to weigh proposed actions, plans, expenditures and decisions. In order to portray an accurate picture of sustainability initiatives at TMLP, consider the following areas where time and monies are being invested:
Sustainability Teams: In 2010, TMLP took it upon itself to put in place teams of employees to evaluate the sustainability of the organization, as it relates to the financial impact of a variety of operational business decisions. Three teams were organized: one from Cleary-Flood Generating Station, one from T&D and one from the corporate area. Collectively, these groups have been tasked to review the activities and services at the TMLP with an eye toward maintaining services in the most cost-effective, efficient manner for the customer.

Appliance Rebates: During 2010 we reimbursed customers for purchasing 1,018 Energy Star appliances at the tune of $86,675. The program began in 2002 and since its inception, $298,900 in rebates have been given back to TMLP customers and 6,146,496 kWh have been saved from the environment, contributing to the reduction of our carbon footprint.

PV rebates were issued to seven customers in 2010 for installing over 28kW (collectively) of solar array panels; rebates issued totaled $69,000.
Audits: During 2010, 262 residential customers and 43 commercial and industrial customers took advantage of one of several energy audit opportunities offered by TMLP to improve their home and business’ efficiency.
Net metering Agreements: TMLP implemented a new Net Metering Agreement for customers who self-generate electricity through the use of renewables such as wind or solar. The Net Metering arrangement is for all electrical generating sources 60kW or less where the TMLP will purchase the net power generated each month at the current generation and power cost adjustment rates. During 2010, 16 customers elected to take advantage of this new offering.
Renewable RFPs: Six companies were invited to submit proposals to fill a portion of our renewable portfolio and three responded. BlueWaves Capital, LLC received the proposal and negotiations for pricing their complement of PV power (6.293 MW) is ongoing and expected to be completed in 2011. Currently, TMLP’s energy portfolio is comprised of 22.1% of renewable energy.
Echo Analytics: TMLP contracted Echo Analysis to perform an environmental sustainability study at the TMLP facilities. This study involved looking at energy use as well as processes. Recommendations included HVAC controls, wireless thermostats, real-time monitoring, and energy-efficient lighting. TMLP implemented wireless controls on the HVAC system including at all of the fan coil units for individual control. These changes have allowed us to set back thermostats when spaces aren’t occupied, which has resulted in substantial energy savings. In locations, such as server rooms, where special settings are required, we have had the flexibility of controlling those areas separately.
Generation future: In order to ensure the sustainability of our generating capabilities, a number of areas were addressed during 2010: Annual inspection of units 8 & 9; RATA (Relative Accuracy Test Audit); and claimed capacity audits; new high efficiency lighting was installed in the turbine decks, the stockroom and the maintenance shop; design and engineering for the repair and coating of the #8 fuel oil tank; and the design and permitting of a new, impervious containment berm and retention pond was done. Looking ahead, the five year NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permitting renewal process for operating Units 8 and 9 has begun with the assistance of an environmental consultant.
Financial aids: Bonding, which was applied for and authorized by the City of Taunton during 2009 for the upgrading of our SAP system and West Water Street project was received June 15, 2010. The total amount received was $7,250,000.
Mirant expenses: As a result of litigating the status of the Mirant Plant, located in Sandwich, MA, as a “must-run” plant, TMLP was able to shave $6,823,180 from its operating expenses during 2010… costs that would no longer be borne by the ratepayer.