Customer and Community
What differentiates TMLP from its investor-owned counterparts is the relationship between the TMLP, its customers and communities and the value-added services it is able to provide as the “return”.
Contributions made by TMLP employees to a variety of charities during 2010 totaling $36,130.80 (out-of-pocket) an average of $219/employee.
Coaching, mentoring, youth ministry, participation on Boards, Read Across America, Junior Achievement

Hanging of banners (12) in the community for local organizations including BP Regional Vocational, Rotary, Day of Portugal, Heart of Taunton, Church in the Park, Taunton Fire Dept, Raynham Pride Day, United Way and Homes for Our Troops.

Barnum School adopted as our new business/educational partner
Local youth sports teams, cultural activities, and town benefits were supported by TMLP

Ball field: Anthony Street, Berkley (total cost of $54,054.83)
- Installed (6) 60-foot poles with (24) 1500 watt metal halide sports lighters
- Installed 300kVa transformer
- 1 mile of (2) phase wire to feed transformer
Mutual Aide support: In February and again in March, the request for help came from two other public power utilities (one in CT and one in MA). Several crews were dispatched totaling 1,398 man-hours of aide, all costs reimbursed by the systems requesting help. Additionally, TMLP Linemen were instrumental in raising $7,000 for a Georgetown lineman who received an electrical shock last year.