Residential Solar Net Metering Program

**TMLP Solar Rebate funding ended on May 31, 2024. Please review below qualifications to participate in an interconnection project. Customers will be able to apply for interconnection as long as there is room on the circuit.

Click here for a list of closed streets.

Disclaimer: Application approval is subject to circuit capacity

Please note interconnection applications for solar may be denied if the circuit is full. Thank you for understanding.**

We evaluate all applications in kW AC.

The TMLP Solar Program offers our residential customers the ability to install/expand a photovoltaic (solar) array on the property they own or who purchase a home with an existing solar array and wish to participate in our net metering program.

Purchased a home with an existing solar array? Please submit the signed Interconnection & Net Metering Agreement when you open your electric account.

Adding battery back-up? If so, apply for battery storage rebate of $300 for units’ 5KW+, please see requirements listed in #10 below. Battery storage rebate is for units approved and installed after June 9, 2021.

In order for a customer to be eligible for TMLP Net Metering Program, the following conditions must exist:

  1. Customer must own the solar array (Leasing is not allowed).  Copy of customer-contractor executed agreement required prior to receiving approval to build.

  2. Customer is an active residential or non-profit electric account with the TMLP for at least 6 months.

  3. Customer active account must have a zero ($0) balance (no arrears) on any TMLP account.

  4. TMLP customer of record must also be person listed on the deed of the property where the solar array will be installed.

  5. Projects must be approved by TMLP prior to installation (approximately 4 week timeframe).

  6. Projects must also be completed by licensed electricians and professional, licensed contractors.

  7. Customer must sign the TMLP net metering agreement and an interconnection agreement (documents available below).

  8. Required 1-line diagram must be designed and state, “AC Disconnect will be no further than 4’ from utility meter”. *Please note the DOER MLP program has ended on June 30, 2021 and their Locust Meter is not a TMLP requirement and not needed for solar installations in the TMLP service area.

  9. If customer intends to also install a battery backup system alongside their solar installation, they must also submit the Battery Backup Verification & Rebate Application (document available below). 1-line diagram must show battery backup, include battery product technical data sheet and copy of city/town wire inspector’s approval of referenced battery backup system.

  10. Contractor must provide copy of customer invoice showing payment prior to receiving the Permission to Operate and rebate submission.

  11. If the electricity generated by the Customer exceeds consumption and is distributed back to TMLP during the billing period, then the Customer shall be billed for the same monthly service charge as applied to other customers of the TMLP in the same rate class; not be charged any kilowatt-hours taken from TMLP and shall be credited for the net excess kilowatt-hours generated as applied to the generation and Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) charges during the billing period; with this kilowatt-hour credit appearing on Customer’s bill for the following billing period.

    (Consumption from TMLP) – (Excess Generation put onto the TMLP Grid*) – (PCA Cost) + (TMLP Monthly Service Charge) = Customer Invoice Amount

    *Excess generation is credited at the ‘generation charge’ for your rate. Please see TMLP rate sheets for the exact amount:

  12. Please submit completed TMLP forms to

Net Metering & Solar Rebate FAQ

Net Metering Agreement

Interconnection & Net Metering Agreement

Net Metering Interconnection Standards

Battery Backup Form & Verification

Net Metering Terms and Conditions 2024

1-line diagram must be designed and state, “AC Disconnect will be no further than 4’ from utility meter”

Please note that while most of the form can be filled on your computer, you must print it out in order to submit it because it requires original signatures from both the customer and the solar installer. Email scanned applications to