To all new service customers of the TMLP:
TMLP welcomes you to the area. We are happy to offer you the necessary assistance to make your move a smooth transition. While we recognize that the electric company is not always the deciding factor in selecting a location to live or work, we do want you to know that, here at TMLP, we value our coveted status as a local, community-owned, low-cost, service provider and will go the extra mile to improve our service to you every day.
In addition to providing its core service of safe, reliable, and environmentally responsible electricity, TMLP also provides high-speed internet access for your home or business at very competitive rates. Visit our Internet page for more details.
By maintaining low rates, providing excellent and reliable service, and partnering in community-based activities, TMLP continues to earn the respect of its customers, business owners, and other key decision makers in the communities it serves.
Prompt Payment Discounts
One of the most valuable benefits of doing business with us is the Prompt Payment Discount of 5% on all current electric charges. Customers who pay their electric bill, in its entirety, within ten days from the billing date are eligible to receive the discount. No other gives you such a benefit.
You may wish to inquire about our automatic payment options by MasterCard/Visa or checking account as well. These are just some ways to guarantee that you will receive the prompt payment discount even if you are too busy to write a check every month.
How to Start Service
A form application for new residential or commercial electric service from the TMLP is available below. A deposit may be required. Please allow 24-48 hours to process during normal business hours.
Online Service Forms
Download Service Form
If you cannot submit via the online form above, please print it out the pdf, sign it, and either bring it to the TMLP Customer Care Office at 33 Weir Street, Taunton MA during the hours of Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. along with valid Proof of Identification such as a driver’s license or Photo ID or you can email your completed PDF application to Also, please remember to send a valid Proof of Identification.
Residential Service Application
Commercial Service Application
Security Deposit
A security deposit may be needed to begin service. The procedures are listed below. We accept, cash and Mastercard or Visa.
Residential Security Deposit Procedure
As of November 1, 2008, a “Security Deposit” shall be required for all new residential customer accounts as well as existing customer accounts with arrears and desire to move from one location to another within the TMLP system territory. Such security deposits shall be paid in full prior to service being activated. The Security Deposit value is $250 for “Non-Electric Heat”accounts and $400 for “Electric Heat accounts.
Commercial Security Deposit Procedure
A security deposit equaling the projected electrical usage of the highest three months during a one-year period is required. If there is more than one account to be opened, then the deposit shall equal the average of all accounts.
Please note the deposit is maintained in an interest bearing account at a rate established by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue.
Additional Forms & Information
Preauthorization Payment (ACH) Form:
Please include a copy of a voided check or deposit slip with completed form
Terms & Conditions for Retail Electric Service: